We have 5 simple classroom rules to help our day run safely, respectfully, and responsibly.
1. Follow directions quickly
2. Raise your hand for permission to speak
3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat
4. Make smart choices
5. Keep your dear teacher happy
We have three levels of behavior management to help the students monitor their behavior and learn from their mistakes.
Class Level
We play Class vs. Teacher for various rewards, which change throughout the year. When the class is following the rules they receive a point. When the class is not following the rules, I receive a point. If the class wins, they get the reward! If I win... nothing happens, we go about business as usual and there is no reward.
Group Level
The students are arranged in tables. Tables can earn points for following the rules as well. When a table receives 10 points, they become VIPs for the day. They get to use special supplies, get a sticker to keep, and get to line up first.
Individual Level
We embrace the growth mindset in our classroom. Each child sets an individual behavior or work habits goal. They receive stars when they show progress toward their goal. Once they fill up their chart, they level up on the super improver wall and receive a small prize.